Newspaper AD
As the costs of Newspaper ADs are higher than all other media, you need to design your AD to get maximum mileage out of it.You need to make sure you know your audience, their reading pattern/habits and how you are going to position your product or service to them.
A newspaper ad will be seen by the newspaper demographic–typically well-educated people with average to above-average incomes.This is a great demographic to target, because the people have more disposable income than those in less-educated audiences.Printed products are far more tangible and useful to many people than TV advertising. Hearing about a product or a phone number on a TV commercial may be fleeting and leave people trying to remember the message.

But people can cut out a newspaper ad and use it when it’s convenient to find out more about the business. Hence designing a newspaper AD needs a lot of planning and strategy to work together. Our team of designers, visualizers and strategists will help in designing simple yet impactful paper AD to generate enough response and attention.
If you are looking to start a new newspaper AD campaign, you can get in touch with our expert panel of campaign designers